Your random country is:
Wondering where you should travel in 2022?
The generator selects a random country from the list and then shows that country on screen.
There are 195 countries included in the random country generator.
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How does the random country generator work?
When the green button is clicked, a random country is selected from a preselected list of countries.
Using a random generator makes it easier to get travel inspiration when you are struggling to come up with ideas.
Travel Inspiration
Cheapest countries to travel in Asia
If you're planning on travelling in 2022, you're in luck, because there are still some awesome places to travel to without breaking the bank. As the world becomes more expensive, people are increasingly looking for cheap places to travel to. Some of the top locations picked by travellers on a budget include: Thailand, Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam.
How to pick a travel destination?
Planning a vacation isn't always as fun as it's made out to be. Sure, you can pick a country and a destination and head there, but what if you want more? What if you want a vacation that is going to be both relaxing and exhilarating?
A vacation that is going to be the trip of a lifetime. A vacation that will forever be engrained in your memory. Well, you're in luck. Here are 5 ways that you can pick a travel destination:
- Pick a place you always wanted to visit
- Pick a place that you've never been to before
- Pick a place based on a festival or event
- Pick a place based on a culture that you're interested in
- Use a random country generator
Best winter travel destinations in Europe
When you think of the best countries to travel in Europe in the winter, you automatically think of the countries that are best known for their winter activities. And while there are a lot of great countries to explore, there are also a lot of places that offer a better experience in other seasons. Top choices for winter travel are Germany, France and Switzerland.
Should I get travel insurance?
Travel insurance is a must. It will cover you in case of emergencies. In most cases, it will cover you a lot better than an ordinary insurance policy. It's not exactly cheap, but it's worth it. It's a great thing to have especially if you're traveling to a country where you don't speak the language or if you're traveling to a country that has a lot of political unrest. And, of course, if you get sick or hurt, it will cover you for the cost of getting medical care.
It's always a good idea to check if your regular insurance covers you when you travel. But if it doesn't, then you'll want to get travel insurance.