Free Online Generators

A collection of free online tools that are designed to add a little joy to your day

Online Generators to save you time

Browse from a wide range of online generators and tools that are free to use and simplify your life. Bookmark your favourite randomizers and generators so that you can easily find them again later.

Need a name for your pet?

If you're looking for a new pet name, the pet name generator can be a great resource. You can enter the type of animal you're looking for, and the generator will provide a list of options. You can also enter your own name or word to get ideas for pet names. The generator is a great way to find unique and creative names for your new pet.

Want to pick teams for your events?

If you're looking for a quick and easy way to generate teams, the team generator is the tool for you. Simply enter the names of the people you want to place in teams, and the generator will do the rest.

You can even specify the number of teams you want, and the generator will randomize the team names accordingly. So if you're looking for a quick and easy way to generate teams, the team generator is the perfect tool for you.

Need help picking lotto numbers?

If you're looking for a quick and easy way to pick lottery numbers, the random number picker is a great option. Simply enter the quantity of numbers you want to pick, and the range of numbers you want to choose from, and the generator will do the rest. By default the picker will select 5 random numbers between 1 and 100.

Can't decide on what to eat for lunch?

If you're ever feeling stuck on what to have for lunch, the random food generator can be a great way to get some ideas. Enter how many ideas that you would like, and the generator will come up with random food ideas for you.

This can be a great way to try new things, or to get some ideas for easy and quick lunches that you can make at home. Plus, it can be a lot of fun to see what the generator comes up with!

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